Delivery Options
At Clark Gas & Oil we offer Automatic and Will Call Delivery options.
Automatic Delivery
With Automatic Delivery we will monitor your fuel usage and keep heating fuel in your tank so you don't have to worry about running out of fuel.
Automatic Deliveries are calculated by taking your tank capacity, your burning rate and outside temperature into consideration. Please contact our office if you make a significant change in your fuel consumption such as prolonged family stay, addition to home, or if you spend the winter away from home. These facts will allow us to adjust your schedule accordingly.
Will Call Delivery
A few of our customers prefer to monitor their fuel themselves as a Will Call Delivery customer.
Oil Heat Customers: Keep a check on your fuel level and give us a call when you need your next delivery.
Propane Customers: Give us a call when your tank has 25% so we can schedule your delivery within our regular routes to avoid a delivery fee of $100.
Out of Gas
Special safety procedures are standard policy when Clark Gas & Oil gas representatives fill an out-of-gas or empty propane tank.
Someone must be home when an empty tank is filled. Qualified personnel must perform a brief leak test of the gas system, re-light the pilot lights and see that the gas appliances are working properly.
If the tank has been empty for a period of time, the gas system and tank must be pressure checked and safety inspected.
To avoid the out-of-gas service fee of $85 and the inconvenience of being out of gas, please monitor your tank's gauge on a regular basis and be sure your tank gauge pressure remains 20% or higher.